If your organization is like most, people who are good at doing their hands-on jobs get promoted to supervisors and now have to manage people. That’s a whole new ball game! Dealing with things is a far cry from dealing with employees, especially when they are your peers, colleagues, friends, maybe even your rivals. The usual method is to throw them into the new situation and turn them loose. This may be usual, but it isn’t the best idea. The ideal situation is to give them the new skills they need so that they and their work teams can experience immediate success.

SyN understands supervisors – whether they are experienced or new to the job. We know what it takes to be a top-performing team leader who can get the work done on time and on budget and who can create a synergistic team where everyone pulls in the same direction. And we know that supervisors are caught in the middle, in a position between the workers and management. They not only have to answer to both segments but have to convey information and expectations between the two groups. Sometimes it’s hard to bridge the two.

Here are some topics that SyN recommends for all supervisors regardless of time on the job:

  • Delegating To Others
  • Motivating Yourself And Your Workers
  • Giving And Receiving Positive And Constructive Negative Feedback
  • Training New Employees
  • Understanding Budgets And Other Mystifying Reports
  • Setting Priorities, Meeting Deadlines, And Accomplishing Objectives
  • Organizing People, Project, And Schedules
  • Handling Difficult People
  • Communicating For Results
  • Producing Under Pressure
  • Managing Your Emotions
  • Evaluating Performance And Coaching For Improvement
  • Building A High-Performing Work Team
  • Process Improvement
  • Cross-Training And Succession Planning
  • Managing Up
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Conflict Management
  • Improving Listening Skills
  • Polishing Your Professional Image
  • Leadership Through Influence
  • Common Problems That Sabotage New Supervisors And How To Avoid Them

SyN can help your supervisors turn individual workers into harmonious teams. We can prepare your supervisors to carry out their job responsibilities and realize their objectives without strong-arming or alienating workers. We can build up supervisors’ confidence and increase their repertoire of skills.