Better Business Writing: A Key Workplace Skill

By: Rocky White


The Argument For Good Business Writing Skills. HIOOC GT*$TRM T4TU CUL This could be an actual office text. Or this e-mail, “John and me went to see George. He don’t know about the changes.” And this one you never knew about, to a customer, “3 invoces was sent their allready.” Impossible at my company, you say? Don’t count on it.

I read a great article on the future of remote teams in Help Scout, written by Gregory Ciotti ( I found this quote interesting. “If you are trying to decide between a few people to fill your position, always hire the better writer. Assuming your candidates are fairly equally skilled and qualified overall, always hire the better writer.” Why? Because the volume, retention, significance, and delivery systems of communications, not to mention number of remote workers, are increasing every day. This takes good business writing out of the “nice to have” and puts it squarely into the “must have” column. When you stop and think of it, is there a job in your organization where some form of writing is not required? I doubt it.


Mark your calendar for April 23-27, Administrative Professionals Week, and begin thinking about how you can best recognize and celebrate Office Professionals. SyN will help you do that, by focusing on the eight skills areas that turn ordinary employees into extraordinary talent.


The Solution For Better Writing. So, if new hires are coming in with less writing skills and current employees are writing more, but not necessarily at the level you want or need, what can you do? The answer may be an on-site course in business writing. Of course, it has to:

  •  be fun (unlike our 8th grade English class with Miss Beasley)
  •  be interactive
  •  be relevant to each person’s job
  •  have guidelines that are easy to understand, remember, and apply
  •  provide feedback from a master writer

Writing can be enjoyable when it accomplishes the following:

  •  grabs your audience
  •  is clear and concise (good editing skills are a must)
  •  error-free (thanks to great proofing)
  •  with impeccable grammar and style
  •  gets you the results you want




WII-FM. What’s in it for you? Good business writing skills translate to increased productivity, more revenue, better relationships, fewer mishaps, less corporate risk, and a company image you can be proud of. As they say, “You can take that to the bank.”


Ask about SyN’s half-day and full-day on-site training programs (organizational communication).


No matter if the title your organization uses is secretary, administrative assistant or executive support, SyN is ready to partner with your key office professionals, ensuring they are ready to meet the real challenges of today and tomorrow.

For more information, call Rocky at 913-815-1494 or email [email protected].

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