
Assertiveness Skills for Office Professionals

Assertiveness is only difficult because it’s misunderstood. Understanding what assertiveness really is gives us the comfort level to incorporate it into all our communication. Assertiveness becomes the one great option for effective communication. We’ll build the comfort necessary to embrace the tools of assertiveness and improve communication with everyone!

This highly interactive session is designed to assist individuals in developing a Personal Professional Career Plan. It will enhance their contributions in their current roles and add to their skill base for the future. Participants will examine career options, the skills needed for advancement, and their current readiness to expand their responsibilities. Participants will actively create a plan for themselves that includes continuing education, building relationships, mastering technology, perfecting interviewing skills for internal movement, and using performance reviews as growth opportunities. They will match their skills to the organization’s strategic goals.

This interactive program involves participants in the collaboration/communication process from beginning to end with a simulation of the collaborative process. Clients may provide an organization-specific situation for the simulation to replace the more general standard simulation.

Participants will build a shared understanding of what collaboration is and what it can do for them and their organization. They will learn the necessary steps and practical strategies needed to achieve the best results. Communications techniques are embedded at each stage of the collaborative process to help participants use more effective communications to achieve better outcomes.

This program can be adapted for teams/departments or for front-line employees.

Having the skills and abilities to communicate and collaborate are critical today in any organization! It takes developing trust, respect, and commitment, too. They’ll learn the secrets to communicating collaboratively and creating win-win situations.

This seminar provides strategies, techniques and tools to empower participants to handle any situation by learning the secrets to communicating collaboratively and creating win-win situations.

You cannot NOT communicate! Use the power of communication to build better relationships, improve interactions, enhance teamwork, and increase productivity. As a side effect, you’ll reduce stress and conflicts, improve your work environment, enhance creativity, and build self-esteem. And if words are golden, why not start mining!

Communication is the key to superior relationships and success with everyone we encounter, especially customers. Yet despite our good intentions, communication can flounder, especially when emotions run strong. Learn why communication problems arise and how to prevent them. In this valuable program, you’ll learn more than just how to talk and listen. You’ll learn priceless tools and techniques to enhance relationships, increase influence, and prevent and respond to challenging conversations. You’ll solidify relationships and your reputation as an agency.

Present your ideas in a way that causes others to hear them with an open mind. Communicate with people of different personality types, ages, and tendencies. Learn how listening can give you stronger control over a conversation and increase understanding, plus prevent conflicts. Be able to take responsibility and raise issues with co-workers, customers, and others even when the conversation becomes difficult. Develop the courage and tools to communicate directly to people to increase team work, enhance service effectiveness and improve all relationships. And stay cool, calm, and professional no matter what the situation.

Deliver your message with confidence and poise.

-Organize your thoughts to be persuasive or informative.

-Conduct meetings with greater ease.

-Remain calm, cool and collected. Increase your credibility; staying “cool” under pressure.

-Field questions or challenges without a hitch. You’ll learn solid approaches to help you stay composed when someone challenges your thoughts … or asks a question you know you can’t answer.

-Keep your foot out of your mouth. You’ll learn techniques that will help you

prevent embarrassing verbal slip-ups before they happen.

-Avoid “mindlock” or jumbled words that could make you lose your train of thought

and your concentration.

-Get your point across clearly. Craft a message that achieves your ultimate goals.

-Recognize how to defuse critics before they start to talk.

-Use persuasion to add strength to your facts.

Some call it “building rapport” . . . others call it “persuasion” . . . still others call it “image building” Whatever it’s called, we are more effective and successful when we use it.

We’ll assess personal strengths and challenges in “selling” yourself and your ideas. You’ll have opportunities to develop a strategy which will work for YOU. Use real-life situations to apply subtle and not-so- subtle persuasion techniques. You will be able to practice your communication skills in a safe and fun learning environment.

We are always communicating. Whether we’re speaking, listening, or even sitting still, something is always being communicated. However, no one is born a great communicator; we generally pick up skills (and bad habits!) along the way. This workshop will provide insights into the key components of effective communication while engaging the participants through hands-on experiential group activities.

Professional communications involve two or more people, either in person or electronically. Rude, abrupt or graceless messages rarely build relationships and good will or persuade others to collaborate or cooperate, regardless of the method of delivery. Tact and diplomacy are not always natural skills, nor is the thinking which leads to the appropriate behaviors.

Participants in this highly interactive program develop the thought process and the language, as well as the behaviors of tactful, professional communications. Case studies role plays, and scripting reinforce the course content.

When we see them approaching, do we slide into the nearest vacant office? Does their voice on the telephone or name on the “sender” line cause prickles of unease? Exploders – Bullies – Know-It-Alls – Whiners – Snipers – Sneaks – Backstabbers: these are just a few of the well-known, but not-beloved characters who rob us of energy, reduce teamwork, and challenge our patience. This program helps participants identify their reactions to difficult people and learn new ways to flex their behavior and communications for better results. Participants will learn to think and act confidently when interacting with them.

You cannot NOT communicate! Use the power of communication to build better relationships, improve customer interactions, enhance teamwork, and increase productivity. As a side effect, you’ll reduce stress and conflicts, improve your work environment, enhance creativity, and build self-esteem. And if words are golden, why not start mining!

Communication is the key to superior relationships and success with everyone we encounter. Yet despite our good intentions, communication can flounder. Learn why communication problems arise and how to prevent them. In this valuable program, you’ll learn more than just how to talk and listen. You’ll learn priceless tools and techniques to enhance relationships and increase influence.

Present your ideas in a way that causes others to hear them with an open mind. Communicate with people of different personality types, ages, and tendencies. Learn how listening can give you stronger control over a conversation and increase understanding. Be able to take responsibility and raise issues with co-workers, clients, and others even when the conversation becomes difficult. Develop the courage and tools to communicate directly to people to increase team work, effectiveness and improve all relationships.

Conflict is normal. As long as we are all different, we will have conflict. It is how we manage the conflicts we experience that is the key to superior relationships and success with customers, clients and team members. Through this highly interactive program, you will learn how conflicts arise and how to prevent them. Recognize four distinct stages in conflicts and how to confidently respond to each to resolve the conflict from early stages filled with negative emotions and defensiveness, to verbal explosions and threats. Eliminate any need for scripts by knowing what to say when. And know how to re- establish solid relationships to prevent future conflicts.

Practice critical communication skills to both raise and respond to conflict at all levels. Be able to listen effectively, even if you initially disagree with the speaker. Learn de-escalation techniques when emotions run hot, and redirect people back to solutions.

Be able to take responsibility and raise issues with managers, co-workers, clients and others even when the conversation becomes difficult. Develop the courage and tools to tactfully address conflicts, increase team work, effectiveness and improve all relationships.

Everyone has developed behavioral patterns, or distinct ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Through an understanding of your behavioral style, you have an opportunity to increase your personal effectiveness in a range of inter-personal situations, including coaching others, working on teams, selling, resolving conflict, providing customer service and managing diversity.

This program will help you more accurately read other people and interact more effectively for more positive results. You’ll see the power of advanced behavioral science, translated into actionable information that helps you on-the- job. You’ll learn how to adapt your conversation and writing to create an environment where the people you work with are more cooperative and more open to your initiatives.

Conflict and confrontation are often viewed as negative or destructive. This seminar focuses on understanding conflict and engaging appropriate strategies to work towards win-win outcomes. A variety of techniques and strategies which fit different personalities and situations will be explored.

Managing conflict means sometimes reaching a satisfactory resolution – and sometime not. It could also mean coping with a situation in which the most positive outcome isn’t possible.

Say what you need to say, when you need to say it. Powerful women learn how to communicate assertively without being labeled aggressive. Communication is an art, a dance that we do to gain rapport and credibility. “Power Communication for Women” will help you master the art form of communicating with power and finesse.

Communicating effectively gives you a leg up in every interaction. Though you may be amazing at what you do, if you can not communicate effectively you will never excel. In today’s world, top-notch communication skills are an absolute must.

This, fast paced, hands-on workshop will help your team take their learning to a deeper level as they get involved in the development of the skills that will allow them to better communicate and excel.

Communication is the key to superior relationships and success both with customers, clients and team members. Yet despite our good intentions, communication can flounder.

Learn why communication problems arise and how to prevent them. Know how to communicate with people of different personality types and tendencies. Be able to listen effectively, even if you initially disagree with the speaker. Be able to take responsibility and raise issues with managers, employees, co-workers, clients and others even when the conversation becomes difficult. Develop the courage and tools to communicate directly to people to increase team work, effectiveness and improve all relationships.

One of the biggest fears of negotiation is that money will be left on the table. In the extreme, this fear prevents some people from entering into – or staying in – the negotiation process. For others, money actually is left on the table because they haven’t grasped all the nuances of the process.

And there is a process. It is made up of understanding five outcomes, two strategies and, of course, a myriad array of gambits which can be identified.

Build your confidence, sharpen your knowledge and hone your negotiating skill in this interactive workshop which makes negotiation an engagement to celebrate rather than a tough deal to get through.

Using accelerated learning principles for teaching and engaging adults, this workshop relies upon interactive exercises, relevant business examples and participant involvement to reinforce application.

What is outlined below is appropriate for an in-depth two day program. A one day version is more of a fast-paced survey of the objectives and topics described. The “SKILLS PRACTICE” is not included in the one day version.