It’s that time of the year: Mid-year evaluations! And it is the perfect time to examine what went right and what went wrong. And not just with employee performance, but with the process itself!

If all went well, your employees and managers calmly met to discuss job performance and goals. Managers confidently confirmed employee qualities and skills, updated set performance goals, and reaffirmed any coaching practices.  No surprises-No fear!

But if your experience is like most organizations, everyone was stressed out over the process. Managers struggled to build in time for these all-important meetings. And due to a lack of on-going feedback, employees were hit with information they were not prepared to receive or worst, got little feedback or direction for their end-of-the year success.

I have had the fortune to work with a variety of national and international organizations that struggled with these same issues. And what was the cure?  Feedback, feedback, feedback! Without feedback, no one knows. And without feedback, no one grows! On-going communication between managers and employees is critical for personal and organizational success!

And this is more crucial today than ever before. People are thirsty for feedback. Feedback includes coaching, correcting, and complimenting. We have a new breed of employee in the workplace that demands feedback. Surveys show that without feedback, employees either feel all is well or they move onto other companies where they feel they will be better appreciated. This results in poor performance with existing employees or vacancies waiting to be filled. Both cost organizations greatly.

So, if on-going feedback is so critical, why don’t more leaders offer it up and quench employees’ thirsts? Most surveys show they fear the person’s response or they don’t know how. Both of these issues can be resolved through effective training that provides sample dialogs, formulas, and scripts that are less likely to create a negative response in the first place. Along with the tools, provide the rules. These are methods that can be used on-the-spot to deal with defensive, aggressive or emotional responses.

Through my experience in working with both private and government organizations, I have found people welcome practical tools that help themselves and others succeed. By providing the tools and rules through effective training, everyone wins. And following mid-year evaluations, it is the perfect time to launch this approach while the experience is fresh in people’s minds.


Training programs that address this topic:

  1. “Providing Feedback with Positive Results”
  2. “Coaching and Mentoring for Successful Leaders”
  3. “Performance Management Tools and Rules” (Customized with organizational competencies, techniques on how to write employee reviews, and more)


Contact us for more about Kathy’s training on feedback:

Rocky White – Chief Executive Officer/Owner
855.889.7625 x 101


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