Change Management

This interactive session is designed to provide participants with tools and resources for thriving during times of change. Change generally takes people by surprise. But it is their change reaction that causes the biggest problems. By better understanding change and the stages of reactions, individuals can maneuver and adapt faster. Participants will gain techniques for anticipating change and developing a proactive attitude toward it.

-Identify factors that cause a “change reaction”

-Discover the stages of change

– Identify ways of finding stability in an ever-changing world

– Gain a better understanding of yourself, your reactions, and your


– Learn ways of becoming proactive with change

Peak performance, 100% accountability, and full engagement – The expectations for those who serve as government employees are high. This class delivers powerful, practical and proved strategies so you can bring your “A Game” to work each day. Using cutting edge research and field-tested solutions, you’ll discover how to consistently and with sustainable energy create reputation-defining results.

The format for this class is lively and interactive. We’ll have plenty of activities and discussions to keep these golden nuggets of knowledge fun and relevant for your professional and personal life.

This seminar focuses on how each employee is important to overall organization and team performance. In today's competitive work environment, effective teams make the difference between success and failure. Leaders need to understand the process of team development and how to maintain motivation to achieve organization goals.

This seminar provides strategies, techniques and tools to grow collaborative work groups and teams and meet challenges. We explore the methods to move from Forming to Performing as members learn to trust and respect one another.

– Develop collaborative teams that work together

– Get employees to value and respect one another

– Deal with problem team members

– Understand getting to consensus

– Gain group problem-solving methods

– Learn 10 steps to team development

This facilitated learning experience cultivates the intellectual talent of all employees by tapping and nurturing their creative thinking while connecting it to problem solving, process improvement, and the overall ability to think.

– Cultivating competitive growth through tapping the creative potential of every employee

while nurturing a creative culture

– To conduct a workshop that nurtures and increases the functionality of the right brain

and the imagination (the source of ideation, innovation, process improvement and

problem solving

– To connect creative thinking to problem solving and more effective decision-making

– To provide practical, easy to use tools to generate and nurture ongoing creative thinking

– To learn how to think

This facilitated learning experience cultivates the intellectual talent of all employees by tapping and nurturing their creative thinking while connecting it to problem solving, process improvement, and the overall ability to think critically.

– Develop the skills to learn increase critical thinking abilities

– Discover the critical thinking potential on competitive growth cultural influence

– Identify ways to inspire innovation, process improvement and problem solving by

increasing right brain functionality

– Evaluate the level of impact critical thinking has on decision-making and

effective problem solving

– Gain practical, easy to use, tools to generate and nurture a critical thinking


This interactive session will provide managers with the tools necessary to delegate effectively. The program begins with how to set SMART goals then develop systems to assure that they are achieved. It will also provide the participants with the skills necessary to deliver both positive reinforcement and corrective feedback when needed. The program will be hands-on with role play and coaching provided by the instructor.

– Develop objective expectations for the workforce

– Write SMART goals to increase productivity

– Understand open and close-ended questions

– Give precise task instructions

– Deliver appropriate feedback based on performance

People with high emotional intelligence are consistently the top performers in their organizations. They demonstrate resilience and flexibility when things get tough, and are held in the highest regard by their bosses, peers, co-workers and others. The emotional intelligence skills you will learn, will help you gain the ability to more appropriately respond to the world around you and eliminate the stress and frustration that comes with working with others.

The old strategies of managing and supervising simply do not work for today’s workforce. The objective of this seminar is to develop and reinforce strong leadership skills to motivate by focusing on the coaching approach. Participants will learn how to determine and address the needs of the team members, build morale, and provide a motivating environment that will inspire and guide their staff to new levels of success. This workshop will be fast-paced and highly interactive, allowing participants to tap into the expertise of their peers and gain strategies and solutions that will translate into phenomenal leadership abilities.

– Identifying key leadership qualities

– Discovering essential coaching techniques

– Gaining tips for communicating effectively with direct reports

– Providing best practices for mentoring individuals

– Define what Employee Engagement really is – and what it isn’t

– Assess the potential ROI for the organization, department, employees

– Understand Four Core Elements of an effective EE strategy

– Define employee roles and how each affects organizational performance

– Engage new employees immediately

– Re-engage disconnected or discouraged employees

– Identify behaviors and communications techniques which reinforce EE

 Practice and adapt techniques to fit workplace environment

 Develop a preliminary, customized EE Action Plan to implement immediately.

 Create a checklist of long-term action items

This is highly interactive training session is designed to increase employee performance by giving and receiving feedback that clearly communicates recommended areas of improvement and performance expectations. Participants actively create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

– Discovering effective communication strategies for giving/receiving feedback

– Identifying best practices for providing positive feedback as well as instances where corrective actions are required

– Creating environment for gaining feedback

Leadership skills for non-supervisors training course is designed to teach you how to lead from your role in the organization. This course helps you improve the key skills you would need to gain the respect and support of others.

It is often thought that leadership belongs only to supervisors, managers, CEOs, and other top executives of an organization, while leadership is an essential skill which every individual at any level should learn and develop for the organization to grow and reaches its goals and objectives. The leadership skills for non-supervisors course helps you develop such skills. This training helps you step by step to become a leader. The leadership skills for non-supervisors course teaches you how to communicate effectively, manage your time, prioritize your tasks, solve problems, make decisions, build strong relationships, and align your goals with your organization’s goals and mission.

Learn practical tools to define your role as leader during organizational and industry changes. Understand the dynamics of change and improve your efficiency and the productivity of your team. Establish a foundation of stability that allows you and your team to accept and succeed during change and turbulence. Be able to head off potential problems and orchestrate a team that not only survives, but thrives during times of uncertainty and drastic change.


-Discover success strategies for leading teams during times of change

-Identify ways to lead a productive team during periods of change

-Discover communication strategies that build trust and stability

Strategic leadership, like direct and organizational leadership, requires leaders to make decisions after processing often-incomplete data and assessing alternatives. This rigorous process is followed by the challenge to generate support through formal and informal communication channels. However, strategic leaders’ decisions affect more people, require more resources, and have wider-ranging consequences in both space and time than do decisions of organizational and direct leaders.

Did you grow up hearing and believing: If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen? Don’t rock the boat? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Those risk-avoidance mindsets might influence the way you engage in leadership. Don’t gamble on your present or future results! In this session you will exercise your “risk-taking” muscles and learn practical strategies for purposeful risk-taking to develop the head, heart and guts of leadership. This experiential approach will help you flip those clichés, internalize connections to real-life situations, and make this session lively and fun! RISK IT!

– Discover your risk-taking versus risk-avoidance mindset as a leader.

– Identify practical strategies to take purposeful risks for enhanced leadership.

– Examine the correlation between you taking the right risks and the positive impact it will have on your leadership style, the accomplishment of your organization’s mission, and on the people you serve.

This workshop provides a clear, practical look at the qualities and characteristicsof leaders and leadership situations and focuses on practical problems and situations of the work environment. The emphasis is on learning proven ways of thinking and acting in leadership situations. Baseline definitions of leadership will provide a starting point for the discussions of the workshop. The emphasis is on the primary skills needed for success – Communication, Time/Priority Management, Team Development, Motivation, and Performance Feedback. These skills are essential in effectively leading organizations and keeping the workforce engaged and focused.

-Understanding and Coping with Change

-Managing Changing Priorities and Regaining Balance

-Gaining Cooperation and while Achieving Efficiency

-Taking Care of Yourself while Coping with Change

This course will teach participants to identify, acknowledge and work successfully with all personality types.